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Spirituality of Loretto Sisters

Duchowość Sióstr Loretanek

Why do young girls choose to live in the Congregation of the Loretto Sisters?

Drawn by the grace of the Holy Spirit, they read in their hearts the invitation to a special relationship with the Bridegroom of their soul, Jesus Christ. They respond by striving for union with Him and give glory to God with their lives.

Loretto sisters living wholeheartedly in vocation contribute to the growth of the good around them and help other people to see the most important values: the grace of eternal life, communion with the Church, the gift of prayer, love and respect in families, peace and unity in social life. The greatest desire for them is “that in all spheres of life God may be glorified”.

How do the Loretto Sisters fulfil their vocation on a daily basis?

As many as there are Loretto sisters, there are as many ways of serving God in the Church. However, the congregation was called first of all to distribute books and Catholic press. By the usage of social media and various forms of dialogue, Loretto sisters try show how to live the Gospel in everyday life.

Fr. Kłopotowski used to say that “a book is bread for the soul” and “where the priest has no way of reaching the people, there the Catholic book will be the best preacher”.

The Loretto sisters run kindergartens, day care centres for poor and neglected children and teach catechesis in schools. In all these activities they try to form the right moral attitudes of children and young people. They help in parishes and sacristies. They rush to the spiritual and material aid of people in need, especially the poor, the sick and the elderly. They run a Nursing Home for people with Alzhaimer’s disease. They respond to the emerging needs of the Church today.

In all their service they wish to show God’s goodness and the living presence and care of Mother Mary over the Church. They are custodians of the Marian sanctuary in Loretto (near Wyszków) which dates back to the times of their Father Founder. They receive pilgrims, lead meetings with young people and organize retreats for various groups.

What helps this apostolic multiplicity of works?


Above all, the sisters are accompanied by God’s grace, personal and communal prayer. They entrust themselves to the action of God’s will. This is realised by their participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which is the centre of their life. They pray together the Liturgy of Hours, Rosary and the Holy Scriptures. The Gospel is the first book from which they draw light and joy for a life dedicated to God. Therefore, the most common items in the publications are those about the Word of God. They are produced in collaboration with religious fathers, diocesan priests and lay people.


The congregation is based on the Rule of Saint Benedict. In their daily life prayer is intertwined with apostolic work. In this way they fulfil the Benedictine mission in the Church “Ora et labora”. They strive to sanctify every hour and day of work, introducing an atmosphere of prayer and recollection of sisterly love in the printing houses, bookbinders, editorial offices and all other places of work. They constitute a family gathered in the name of the Lord as in the time of the first Christians. The Loretto sisters wish to follow the life of the Holy Family and be obedient to the rule of St. Benedict. By meditating on God’s Word and adoring the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament they want to communicate to the world the joyful news of the Incarnation of the Son of God and His Resurrection.

They live according to the evangelical counsels. The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are a path of physical and spiritual renunciation – in imitation of Christ who left an unparalleled example of striving for holiness. Girls admitted to the community after a few months of learning about religious life, enter the postulancy where they become more familiar with the tasks and aims of the congregation and discern their decision as to whether they wish to follow Jesus in this way. If they express another “yes”, they are admitted to the novitiate where they devote themselves more deeply to prayer and to service to others. When they have passed this stage and love for God impels them to give their lives more fully to the Divine Spouse, they make their vows to the congregation and the Church. During first years for one year (for the period of formation in the juniorate) and then – final vows. The congregation of the Loretto sisters has 14 religious houses (in Poland and abroad).


They entrust their vocation to the guidance of God’s grace and to the protection of the most beloved intercessor before God – Mary. She is their model and support. A special place in the life of the Loretto sisters is occupied by St. Joseph – the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary whose help they often call upon. They are also patronised by St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica. A special place is of course given to the Father Founder who was proclaimed blessed in 2005. He is now their intercessor before God since he himself told them that he would “help them from heaven”.

Loretto sisters are strengthened by Fr. Kłopotowski’s words that if “God has helped so far, He will continue to help”. And they invariably trust God that if He wills – He will send new and holy vocations to a religious community.


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