Life and Apostolate
Spiritual Profile of Fr. Kłopotowski
Blessed Father Kłopotowski: devotee of the Eucharist, rosary pastor, patriot and faithful servant of the Church, protector of the poor, apostle of the printed word.
Devotee of the Eucharist
Blessed Father Kłopotowski served God not…
Life and Work
Father Kłopotowski was proclaimed blessed on 19 June 2005. He lived in years 1866- 1931 and grew up in a religious and patriotic atmosphere. He loved the priesthood and sought to preach Christ fervently in…
Life Calendar of Father Ignacy Kłopotowski
20 VII 1866 – birth in Korzeniówka (now Podlaskie Voivodship).
22 VII 1866 – baptism in the parish church of the Holy Trinity in Drohiczyn.
1877-1883 – studies at the Male Secondary School…